My daughter is 8 and 1/2 months old. She weighs 19.5 lbs but here's the problem, she's 29 1/2 inches long. We have a really great car seat that goes up to 35 lbs re...
My 7 month old son is getting close to outgrowing his infant car seat, so we're trying to decide on a convertible one. He's about 16 lbs. and 27 inches long now. I ...
My husband and I recently purchased a 2nd car it is a 1999 mitsubishi eclipse it is a small 2 door car. Our daughter is 8 months old, 19lbs, and 28 inches long. I a...
Quick question: I have a seven month old baby and he's a pretty big baby. I'm not sure how long, but he's 22 lbs and his feet hang over the edge of his infant car sea...
Hi i am wondering if you have some info on car seats? My daughter is seriously getting to big for her rear facing car seat shes only 9 months. What is a good car seat?
My little boy who is almost 11 months has outgrown is Graco Snugride care seat. The car seat was fine until we added a winter coat. He is a little on the chunky sid...
Hi all-
I have a 6 month old who looks more like a 10 month old. He is almost 19 pounds and 28.5 inches long. The height limit on his Graco Sungride infant car se...
Hi Mamas! My 11.5 month old son is in a Britax cars seat that is still facing backwards. At his nine month appointment he was 30 inches long and weighed 22 lbs. He ha...
Hi everyone,
Our 7.5 month old dd hates traveling in her infant car seat (Graco SafeSeat). Whether it's driving just down the road or 30 minutes or 4 hours, she hat...
Okay so I've read almost every opinion on car seats. My question is in reference to the actual car... My son is 4months 18lbs and 28in (we're assuming he's going to b...