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Results 21-30 from 313 articles

Could I Be Pregnant Again?

A.M. asks from Seattle

heres the deal, i have been moody, really sleepy, and am losing gobs of hair everywhere. my biggest concern is my hair because its long, thick and naturally curly. no...


Anxiety: What Would You Do?

M.P. asks from Chicago

I'm seeking some practical advice for anxiety. Both of my parents just died and I'm living in their house (eerie!) with my 9m old, 3yr old, and spouse. We're doing...


Epidural or Demerol for Labor Pain Relief?

V.H. asks from Philadelphia

I wanted to ask moms who have had experience with epidural use and Demerol (IV drugs) use during their labor and delivery. Walking epidurals are not done at the hospi...


When You Love Your Husband, but You Don't like Him Very Much Right Now.

M.6. asks from New York

My husband I have have been married a long time and we have 6 kids, ages almost 30 down to 17, with just one left at home. We've been through thick and thin together...


Seeking Some Advice

J.C. asks from Pittsburgh

Hi, I am 4 days late and my husband had a vasectomy 4 months ago, but has yet to be tested again to make sure he is clear. Is it still possible to get pregnant or cou...


Quiting Smoking and Weight Gain.

S.D. asks from Chicago

Hi moms. I have recently quit smoking (been a little over a month and a half) and I've noticed already I've gained weight. I've been eating more which I know is mostl...


Hives! Hives!

S.A. asks from Salt Lake City

I got hives about 2 1/2 months ago and my doctor put on some medication. I got off of it about 2 weeks ago. For the first week and a half I did not have any. Then jus...


Mom Seeking Advice About Possible Problem Between Baby and Pet

E.B. asks from Portland

We have a 3 1/2 year old black lab and a 14 month old baby girl. Yesterday, our black lab exhibited very aggressive behavior towards our daughter. Our home has been e...


Why Are So Many Moms Waiting Until Their Child Is 3-4 to Potty Train?

M.C. asks from Tampa

I am just curious. Before starting the potty training adventure with my son, I read practically every post regarding the subject. I am still reading the posts and i...


Pre-term Labor or Just Normal Pregnancy Stuff?

A.G. asks from Pocatello

I am just starting week 35 of my 3rd pregnancy and I guess I just want to make sure this is normal. I got sick on Thursday with some kind of bug. I had loss of appeti...

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Answer Highlights

  • may want to have your thyroid in 3 answers "You may want to have your thyroid checked."
  • put your mind at ease in 2 answers "... to the pharmacy and pick up a pregnancy test kit just to put your mind at ease."
  • humane society in 4 answers "... wanted to shoot the thing, but my mom talked him into calling the humane society."
  • iv demerol in 2 answers "I had IV Demerol, one dose about 12 hours into labor, and I will never do it again."
  • simple blood test in 2 answers "It is a simple blood test and all of your symptoms add up."