Anyone get this annoying pain on one or the other side of their tail bone? It pinches when I walk and is so painful. Any remedies? I have 6 wks to go and cant hand...
I have Saturday mornings to myself (thanks to my husband) and need a gentle/stretching yoga class. I just recently got diagnosed with sciatica so I need to start wit...
My son's Christmas concert is tonite, in about an hr and a half. I am dreading it! They only sing 3 songs, then it is the older kids from his school (K-8) for the r...
i am 40 wks with #2. first one came smoothly on my due date a few years ago. my Md wants to induce on tues . in the end, decision is mine, as no medical complications...
I am on a regiment of perscription medications called Lyrica & Ultram ER (may be generic?) for joint pain & stiffness as well as some nerve pain. Doctor is currently ...
My hubby works at the Mill and has a very physically demanding job. He is also a good 40 lbs overweight. He always had mild back problems...he would just "suck it up"...
I have an 18 month old son and before and since he was born, I have had back problems. The problems I have had before baby (and continue to have occasionally) is scia...
I was just wondering if anyone has had experience with being too thin to get pregnant? When i got pregnant with my daughter i weighted 117 lbs (i'm 5'3). I gained 28 ...