smoking tobacco

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Results 21-30 from 131 articles

Smoking Issues - PLEASE HELP!

M.D. asks from Jacksonville

I NEED ADVICE!!!! Ok, so my husband and I used to be pack a day smokers. I quit smoking when I found out that I was pregnant and during my pregnancy he didn't smoke...


Hi,I Have a Question About Smokers & Smoking...

N.H. asks from Peoria

I'm very sensitive to cigarette smoke. It not only stinks but makes me very nauseated to the point of vomiting and severe headaches so taking an antihistamine is not ...


MIL Smoking Issue

L.A. asks from Reno

My mother in law smokes and while she doesn't do it around the baby, I really don't want her holding our 6 week old against her clothes or anything. Am I over reactin...


Smoking Mother in Law

L.S. asks from Philadelphia

Hello, My Mother in law will be moving in with us in about 2 months. The problem is she is a heavy smoker and my daughter is allergic to cig. smoke. We told her she w...


Trying to Quit Smoking... Again...

R.D. asks from Richmond

I've been really proud of myself with how much I've cut back smoking... but I'd really like to try to quit altogether. Last time I tried to quit I was having a hug...


Smoking Mom Question

K.M. asks from New York

Hi my name is K. and I am a Smoker. Just admitting to that in this post makes me feel like I have committed a felony and should be charged. So please try not to be to...


How to Response to My 4 Year Old Daughter About Smoking

H.M. asks from San Francisco

My 4 year old daughter came up to me and asked me why do people do this and showed me with her hand gesture of smoking. I was kind of shock and really didn't know how...


Dealing with Smoking of a 17 Year Old

L.C. asks from Phoenix

My 17 yr old son, a senior in high school has started smoking. When we talked to him about it he said he would stop, today he came in smelling like a cigarette and w...


Just Quit Smoking for the Millionth Time

M.C. asks from Detroit

I started smoking at 15 and when I hit 30 I started quitting...the longest stretch was when I was pregnant with my 2 children but I always seem to slip up and go back...


Seeking Motivational Stories of People Who Have Quit Smoking!

N. asks from Dallas

I am 29 and have been smoking since I was 15 and I really need to quit. I have 3 daughters and I don't want them to start smoking because they have seen me doing it ...

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Answer Highlights

  • cover up the smoke smell with perfume in 2 answers "... and can tell when someone is trying to cover up the smoke smell with perfume ..."
  • abide by your rules in 3 answers "... providing a place for her to live, the least she can do is abide by your rules."
  • dad quit cold turkey in 2 answers "It's a decision people make. My dad quit cold turkey when my mom got pregnant ..."
  • can quit cold turkey in 2 answers "... I'll make the diet pepsi I just drank my last one. We can quit cold turkey ..."
  • third hand smoke in 3 answers "Please, LOOK UP THIRD HAND SMOKE!!! that will be all the evidence you need if they ..."