My 8 1\2 month old is teething. I give baby oragel, motrin for the pain(which helps alot), freeze a washcloth, have an assortment of teething rings, comfort her when...
My 4 month old started teething and he is having a very difficult time. He actually started at 3 months old. Is there anything besides the usual stuff (teething rig...
My 12 month old is cutting 4 molars and at least 2 eye teeth maybe all 4. She has not been sleeping and has been VERY fussy I have tried Tylenol and Origel even thou...
Ok for you moms who had a little one who cut their first tooth late I need some advise. My daughter will be 1 on the 22nd and still does not have any teeth but i thin...
When is the earliest a baby can start teething? My baby girl Enza keeps chomping on her fingers, drooling, very cranky, and her cheeks are red. She just turned 3...
My 6 month old just recently cut his bottom front two teeth. The first tooth started to poke through one week ago and the second a day or so afterward. He has been un...
my son is almost 3 months old and i think he might be teething but i am not too sure. he does drool alot and he is always putting his hands in his mouth or his blanke...