Whooping Cough

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Results 11-20 from 520 articles

Should I Take Her to the Doc?

When you take her to the Dr. have them check for whooping cough. It is going around. My five yr old, husband, and myself are recovering from it. ...

Baby with Lingering Cough/cold Symptoms

Also ask your doctor for screening test for whooping cough. There is a lot of it in our community and it doesn't occur to many doctors to test for it. ...

Seeking Advice on 16Mo Coughing All Night Long.

I got something home from my son's preschool about whooping cough, the other day . Said that if exposed a child will need to see the Dr. for treatment, ...

8 Month Old Has Mild Croup

Aug 5, 2009 ... When my daughter was 12 months old she came down with a mild case of Whooping cough. She had a really bad reaction to the pertussis vaccine ...

Asthma or Something Else??

My oldest got pertusis(whooping cough) after she had all of her well baby shots. It is a very scary sounding cough and it is on the rise in the U.S. ...

Any Info on Croup

Also, and this is very important: I would definitely take him to the doctor for a pertussis (aka whooping cough) test. It's a deep swab in the nose and only ...

Swine Flu Shot

Oct 14, 2009 ... recommend that newborn's families get updated MMR and whooping cough boosters I had wooping cough 2 years ago so I can totally see why ...

Awful Cough

It is hard to listen and watch our wee ones cough so much, but as long as her Dr . has cleared her of any serious conditions, such as whooping cough ...

Am I the Only Mom Getting Nervous About All the News About the Vaccines?

As a child, I had an allergic reaction to the pertussis (whooping cough) ... Unfortunately, as a result, I CAUGHT whooping cough & passed it to an elderly ...

Mom Seeking Advice on Bronchitis

The wife and daughter of my son's soccer coach have had whooping cough if you can believe it! Best thing is probably to contact your doctor and have him ...
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