Hi T.,
I do not have a child with scoliosis (I have an 11 month old), but I had a very severe curvature when I was younger (2 curves actually, so my spine was an 'S' shape). I ended up having surgery when I was 11 years old to correct the problem. My spine was fused at the top and bottem, and I had Herrington rods placed on my spine, which I still have today and they never bother me. I am currently 32 years old, and I still have a curve in my spine, but you would never know from looking at me. I carried my child full term with no back problems at all. You would never know from looking at me that I have a curve. My point is that although my scoliosis was quite severe, I am completely normal and do absolutely everything that anyone else does. My back does tend to ache if I clean the house good in 1 day or something like that, but really I don't have any problems. I also wore a brace for 6 months after the surgery. Since your daughter is only 4 years old, it is most likely too early to know the severity of her scoliosis, since she is still growing. It could end up being very slight and no big deal. Scoliosis does run in families, usually among women for some reason. Although I did not have a good 9 months at age 11 because of the surgery and the brace, that is now far behind me. Your daughter will be exactly as she is now as you said....smart, outgoing and caring. Don't let this loom over you for great years of her life, but do stay on top of it and informed so that you can ensure she is treated how she should be when she should be. Just as an FYI...I had my surgery 20 years ago at Children's Hospital and I was in the hospital for 1 month. I know that the same surgery today only requires a 1 week stay. Who knows what advances there would be in the years ahead, so know that your daughter has a very treatable problem.
Hope this helped some.