LOL... my husband is a muscian as well... I'd skip the show, personally. If he's anything like most I know the only time to hangout is just after load-in (6-8 hours before the show for about an hour) and then they're busy until payout (after the last band, or at 2am, depending on the venue and the deal they have worked). Don't get me wrong, I've gone to hundreds of shows... but you don't go to spend time with your spouse!!! To schmooze for them, network, be a visable sign of support for other bands in the lineup, spend a few minutes with your spouse or friends... but it's not hanging out all night.
((It's, quite literally, like showing up at a 9-5 dayjob for those not in the music scene... they're working... it just happens to be at a place where most people are playing. You can do it and expect them to spend time with you on a VERY rare basis, the rest of the time, they've got maybe an hour.))
My nights in... I would REVEL in. Do what I want, when I want.