I had essure on April 24th, when I went back for my follow up after 3 months it was a complete success and I was blocked the way I should be. My girlfriend had it over a year ago, and one of her tubes did not block and she had to go back and have it done again (clearly that did not scare me, and it does happen but NOT very often). I had absolutely NO pain, infact if it was not for the antesia I probably would have went running that night instead I went the next morning (so clearly the recovery time is much faster, requires NO icing, and no special treatment-anyone who tells you otherwise probably has not had the procedure and is thinking of the old school female procedures that nobody really does anymore). My doctor happens to do it in the hospital instead of his office, he is more comfortable incase something happens after all it is surgery and there is anestia involved. As far as costs, we have HAP and it was covered 100%. I know some doctors will tell you it probably is not covered, but they also probably have nobody who does the procedure-because mine told me 99.5% of insurances cover it because the cost is way less than a child. So if you have insurance, I would check with them directly. By the way, totally get the hubyy thing I have a great one too-but doctors and him not so much.