Listen, there are times in family life when I look at my husband and he's the finest thing i ever laid eyes on, and then there's times he looks like a damn goon! You must have been attracted to him at some point, right? This is my second marriage-the first was a disaster, but I can tell you that if you walk over something so trivial(and it happens in marriages all the times, the ups and downs) it will be that much easier to walk anytime after that. At the very least, you owe it to the entire family to exhaust every avenue to get that 'spark' back. I always say "we're a family-our value as a whole is greater than the sum of all of us seperately". Sometimes, when me and my husband are in a rut, I think of it as a sign from God that we should spend time developing ither aspects of our marriage(friendship, partnership, co-workers, etc.) All relationships are work. Lots of work, but I've done the single mama thing, and I'll tell you what-I'd take a sometimes boring married life, than an insecure and sometimes lonely single one any day.