Dear Gena,
I agree with Dawn completely although I was not getting a divorce at around 44 I was looking for a career change. I was a hairdresser for over 20 years. I have always loved children so I took an on-line course and became a preschool teacher. I received my Montessori Teaching Certification along with my CDA in early childhood education. Now at age 49 last year I purchased my very own Montessori Preschool and have never been happier. My school is full and currently has a wait list. My point is do not get discouraged and feel you cannot do anything. It is never too late. I stayed home and raised both of my kids for 15 years, was out of the job market that entire time. Once my kids were in high school and college it was my turn to do what I wanted to do and you can too. I am sorry for your marriage breaking up I am sure it is very difficult, however when you are feeling stronger really think about what you want to do with your future. Once one door closes another door opens. You can make it happen. As far as a good lawyer I am not sure where you live so it is hard to give suggestions. Good luck!!