Mamapedia Tech Comment

Updated on March 23, 2015
A.J. asks from Norristown, PA
13 answers

I'm a long time user of this site. I have to say though, I'm about to give up due to the massive glitches. I thought they would be temporary. Between the lost posts and the trouble loading pages. UGH!!! My biggest frustration is when I can't send flowers. Sometimes I hit the flower send link like five times and then give up when I want to commend a good post.
My computer works fine and I don't have problems with any other site.
Does anyone else wish the site worked better technically?

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answers from Portland on

I find that restarting my computer often really helps. I close up all of the windows and go from there. That usually helps.

I don't have AdBlock... it's on the Honey-do list (I don't even know how to install it, husband is the IT wiz) but a lower priority. Then there's also the "it's a signal from the universe that I need to be doing something else" mentality that I tend to have and that's fairly correct most of the time anyway. :)

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answers from Norfolk on

AdBlock is wonderful.
I haven't had the issues you are having.

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answers from Asheville on

I think your problems with performance would be solved in the most part with a good ad blocking add-on installed. I use the Firefox add-on AdBlock Plus. It does a great job of blocking those ads which causes most of the performance problems.
I wish they would get with the 21st century and either make a mobile version or make the site responsive. It's almost impossible to get on this site with a mobile device.

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answers from Washington DC on

IMO, it's all the ads. I realize you get what you pay for, but 99% of the time if the site isn't loading or working right, it's trying to load an ad, some javascript failed (says "void" when I try to post) or some flash script died and I need to reload the page. Sometimes I DO give up. And many times I hit mute so I don't hear any ads blaring at me.

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answers from Portland on

The only difficulty I have is with sending flowers. Sometimes I can't send them. there is no sound with the ads. I find ads easy to ignore. Recently, the daily post to my Gmail is blogs When there used to also be questions. I don't miss the questions because they were old.

I excuse these glitches because I think the sight has a limited budget. I suggest the ads are a way to get more money. How else would they have money to run the site? I accept that the site is less than perfect. I know that getting good IT help is expensive.

I find the disrespectful comments, put downs, and word fights along with having fewer people using the site more problematic.

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answers from Washington DC on

oh my yes.
it was glitching MADLY for me for a while. i couldn't send flowers and often it wouldn't even let me respond. it's been better lately, but sometimes i still just nix it for the day if it's being wacky, or keeps blaring videos at me.
i've left for months at a time before. at some point i'll forget to come back. but at the moment i'm in a 'coffee and MP every morning' phase so i'm glad the glitches are minimal on my end for now.

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answers from Austin on

As others have said, get Adblock.

I never realized there were screaming ads, because I keep my computer on silent. If I want to hear something I turn the volume on. I have no idea what my games sound like!

I have not had the other problems you spoke of.

I wish there was an ap for this site. Even willing to pay .99 for it so they could enhance it, but not a big deal.

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answers from Boston on

I haven't had those specific problems, but I do notice now that ads/links are appearing within the text of the first response to any question.

I also have had the problem (and have seen others post the same) that they were in the middle of typing a response (often a long one) and had it disappear. I now write most of my responses in Word, then copy and paste it; if it disappears, I can go back to my Word document and repeat.

I also noticed some responses disappear from a question I posed. I read them, then went back later when a few new responses showed up, and found the earlier ones were gone. It was not a controversial post - it was about cooking - so I doubt they were removed by either the moderator or the responder.

The other thing I notice is my inbox has a "Mamapedia Daily" email each day, but it's usually just a blog with no questions. Only if I go to an old email and click "see all of today's questions" can I get to the questions. The other day a question did show up in the Mamapedia Daily email, but it was weeks old and had 30 responses! I can't figure out why I virtually never get an email with a question or two listed.

I can't explain any of it!

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answers from Portland on

I've never been to sites before this one (stumbled across looking for a solution to a problem I was having) and I nearly didn't want to have anything to do with it - had cows blaring at me, and couldn't post replies, or send flowers ... I am type of person who shuts down the computer when it grates on my nerves.

At points during the day I don't do so well (limited mobility) so I enjoy sitting with a tea and reading through some great responses to some tricky situations. It keeps me coming back :)

But I agree .. some days it's just a pain.

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answers from Los Angeles on

I agree.
It's not Adblock/lack of.
I don't get the screaming, floating ads because I have my preferences set appropriately.
You lose answers, it's glitchy.
Not the same.
It's getting close to not being worth the trouble. I agree.
Shouldn't be this hard for them to get this site--considering the functionality--working smoothly.

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answers from Miami on

I never have problems with other sites. Thankfully it's not bothering me now.

A few years ago, they told me to clear my cache. I couldn't figure out how to do it, but eventually the problems worked themselves out.



answers from Oklahoma City on

It's often your connection fluttering when you lose something. I'm seeing across the board on FB and mamapedia. So maybe mamapedias routers/connections are doing it too. I have really noticed it in all the sites I use.

I have started copying every comment I make so I can paste it when it doesn't go...



answers from Las Vegas on

I've been having trouble with my answers disappearing when I hit post. The only thing I think that might be affecting this, other than a MP glitch, is that I might be taking too long to hit post after I've started writing. Like maybe it times out or something. I'm often multi-tasking, and so I sometimes leave a post I've started writing and then come back to it. I think it may be those times where I lose the answers.

I've noticed that I have trouble sending flowers when I'm using a tablet. It wasn't always that way. I don't know why, but lately, when I'm on a tablet, the flower link just does not work. I don't have that problem on the macs or on a PC. Have you tried sending flowers from different devices or computers to see if there's a difference?

It's frustrating, but I just deal with it.

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