Menopausal Odor

Updated on May 26, 2010
K.M. asks from Spring, TX
9 answers

This is really embarrassing but here it goes...
I started menopause back in January and didn't start having any real discomfort until it began getting hot. Now I just can't cool down; I'm constantly sweating all over my torso, especially under my arms and vaginal area. What's worse, is that they both have developed very strong odors that regular deodorants just don't seem to be able to handle. I'm constantly using baby wipes in both places and reapplying deodorants and baby powder just to feel fresh, but it's a losing battle. I'm going through several pairs of panties (cotton) per day as well because the sweat is soaking them.
Last time I had this problem was when I was in my last trimester with my first child. Both that time and this time I'm sure are a reflection of my hormones going haywire. (I am taking estrogen.)
Any one out there with a similar experience and/or suggestions?
I really appreciate your feedback. Thanks.

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answers from Gainesville on

Rather than using baby powder try something like Shower to Shower. That helped me when I was traveling during the day for my work and living in steamy Louisiana. I would pour sweat but the shower to shower really helped.

Have you been to the gyn just to get checked out as far as the vaginal odor? If not I would just in case you have something else underlying going on along with the symptoms of menopause.



answers from Boca Raton on

Believe it or not, I had to stop using aluminum based antiperspirant to FINALLY stop sweating like that. Not sure if I'm perimenopausal but had a serious sweating issue for a couple of years.

It takes a little while, and the changes are subtle initially. At first I was mortified to think of life without heavy duty antiperspirant, but the sweating truly did decrease after a couple of weeks off of it. I use a natural deoderant from the health food store now (I try to get paraben free too).

Don't know if this is true but I have read that sweating is how our bodies detox.

Good luck to you. Can empathize.



answers from Victoria on

check your ph levels.



answers from San Antonio on

Ha ha ha! You are too funny. I have sweating problems with both my pregnancies in the vaginal area as well. That's how I knew I when I was pregnant with my second. I asked the doctor about it because I wondered if I was the only one and she said that all women have different symptoms when their hormones start to surge. I quit doing all the deodorant and powders and just started to shower at night before bed so I could at least smell fresh for my husband. Sorry you are going through this and I know menopause lasts a lot longer than pregnancy, but hang in there and maybe just throw some perfume into the mix. I have my thyroid checked because I have family with a hypothyroid and my thyroid thus far is normal.



answers from Houston on

You should go talk to your doctor about this. It could also be a sign of a thyroid problem. Your doctor might want to do some bloodwork.
I am pre-menopausal as well with symptoms coming and going. I had 2 months of hot flashes from Dec to Feb, and I did sweat a lot during the hot flashes. I also woke up with night sweats during that time. But it was periodic, not constant, about every 2-3 hours.
Every woman is different so seeing your doctor about this is your best bet.



answers from San Antonio on

Going through this is tough, but talk to your doctor. There are many things he can prescribe for you to help you. In my case I had to get a Depo injection every 3 - 6 months and it helped tremendously and was a life saver. I had to do this for a few years and then slowly started getting them much later and later until I finally stopped and all is fine. Sure I get a hot flash here and there but not like I use to and if it becomes worse again I will tell my doctor and if I have to go back to those injections once or twice a year I will. Don't suffer with this as there is no need. Talk to your doctor or GYN. Good Luck. I know how miserable it can be.



answers from Charlotte on




answers from Houston on

I had symptoms of menopause and found out I had Thyroid disease! At this point, I would much rather be menopausal! Go to your doctor and tell him/her your symptom. Have him/her do a blood work up and check all your hormons as well as Thyroid.

Good luck!



answers from College Station on

You can try botox to stop the excessive sweating. No joke! It is a real treatment option.

Or, you can try bioidentical hormones. It takes a while to get the right combination and you have to go to a compounding pharmacy because they make it just for you. Ask your Dr. about it.

I have no other suggestions as to how to keep fresh. Sorry :(

Good Luck to you!

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