People as in family and friends at your home or the general public whenever you take her out??
At home, keep hand sanitizer everywhere. Let your visitors know your baby is at increased risk for a serious infection, so you want to be very careful this winter. Ask them to postpone their visit in case they have a cold, tell them you are sorry, but it could be very serious for the baby if it's RSV , hence you are being overly cautious.
As for outside and strangers, I would say AVOID taking her out this winter as much as possible. RSV can spread not only by touching, the virus is in the air when people sneeze or cough. So don't take her to crowded enclosed spaces like the mall etc. When you really have to, cover her carseat with a blanket. Or wear her in a sling but keep her face kinda covered as well with a hat or thin blanket. Tell people she is sleeping if they ask to see her face.
Dont worry of offending someone. You really dont have to worry about being too polite. If people dont get it, it's their problem. You only worry about your baby, its your responsibility to keep her healthy. She has already been through a lot , so whatever extent you go to , to keep her healthy is all acceptable.