Both times that I was pregnant, my breasts were the first things to give it away, even before I had a chance to miss a period. I'm voting on pregnant.
hi mom's, im just wondering whats going on with my body.for about two or three weeks my nipple's has been stayin hard and my boobs are pretty sore:( have any of you mom's ever done this???please info will be nice thankyou.....not sure about bein prego maybe i need to test and im not breastfeeding....
Both times that I was pregnant, my breasts were the first things to give it away, even before I had a chance to miss a period. I'm voting on pregnant.
Sounds like you are prego! Either that or a surge of hormones. Check with your OB/GYN
Are you pregnant or breast feeding?
my vote is the same as the others prego
pms and pregnancy symptoms are very similar. I would suggest pms if you hadn't said that it had been for weeks. Hormones definitely either way - so, not pregnant, and not pmsing, so, 3rd choice is...are you horny? lol sorry, but that also happens when women get aroused. Are you maybe seeing someone new that really does it for you or or is your honey out of town or soemthing?