Good morning Ladies, My 10 mo old baby girl is coughing, NOT constantly or wheezing, but it seems almost as she has a tickle on her throat (started yesterday)... Is t...
My 10 year old daughter is in 97 percentile for weight. How can I get her to start eating better and working out with out giving her weight issues. She does play soc...
my 10 month old daughter does not eat well. She does not want baby food anymore and when I try to feed her the toddler food, she turns her head away. I feel like sh...
My 10 week old son has really dry cheeks. I've been using Gentle Naturals for exzema cream on his face for a little over a week and his eczema has cleared up. Sh...
My 10 month old son is losing interest in food. Meal time has become a struggle. Before now he was such a good eater. I think he is wanting to eat more table foods,...
I have recently discovered my 10 month old daughter has a milk allergy. Whenever she has anything dairy (yogurt, cheese, formula, cheese puffs, etc.) she breaks out ...
So, my 10 month old little boy who only has 2 teeth has decided that he does not want baby food anymore. So, my questions is what can I make for meals and snacks tha...
My 10 month old is not wanting his bottles during the nite time i have no problem, he wants a bottle. However, during the day he doesn't want to take the bot...
My 10 year old son gets "nervous" at bed time lately because of the movie previews on TV. The images from the scary movie previews make him scared at night. I have ...
Has anyone used lemon balm (called Melissa in Europe) or Valerian root to help a child fall asleep? My mom used to use both and my online search seems to indicate le...