5 month old and sleep

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Fussy Time, and Getting 5 Month Old to Sleep in Crib

A.S. asks from Albany

I have a few questions... 1. I have an almost 5 month old and we are still dealing with the fussy time at night. Sometimes it can be 4-8, of fussyness, or an hour or...


What Do I Do About My 16- Month Old Who Does Sleep past 5 Am

S.T. asks from Chicago

Help. I have a 16 month old who has always been on a schedule since I adopted him at 4 months. He starting sleeping through the night at/around 6 months and even sl...


5 Month Old Wont Sleep

J.D. asks from Austin

My son is almost 5 months old. He eats 4-6 ounces every 2 hours and I give him cereal with bananas and/or applesauce twice a day. He only sleeps for about 7 hours a d...


Sleep Issues with 5 1/2 Month Old

M.B. asks from Philadelphia

My son is almost 6mos. old. He goes to bed about 7:30 each night, and has been waking up at 9pm, 1:30am, 4am, and 6am. We have been letting him cry for 20min. at 9pm,...


5 Month Old Teething

A.L. asks from Dallas

I have an almost 6 month old who is teething and waking up about 4 or 5 times at night, crying...we'll put her paci back in and she goes to sleep for a little while a...


5 Month Old Not Napping

E.C. asks from Orlando

My 5 month old daughter is a great night sleeper. As soon as she gets a bath and I put her PJ’s on she goes to sleep immediately when I lay her in the crib. She sle...


5 Month Old Not Sleeping

C.C. asks from Savannah

I have a almost 5 month old, getting her to sleep is not a problem, staying asleep is the issue, when she falls asleep her passy falls out of her mouth, after a few h...


Flying with 5 Month Old

A.S. asks from Minneapolis

My husband and I will be taking a 6 hour flight soon with our 5 month old son. We did not purchase an extra seat (baby wasn't born when we booked flight, so they woul...


Napping for 5 Month Old

R.C. asks from Houston

How often and how long do your babies take naps? My 5 month old will take about an hour or two nap around 1 but I'm not sure when or if I should lay him down again fo...


Camping with 5 Month Old???

R.H. asks from San Francisco

We are going on our annual "family" camping trip this weekend... It will be our first time camping with our 5 month old son. I am excited and hesitant at the same tim...

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