5 month old and sleep

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Fussy 5 Month Old

T.L. asks from Washington DC

my 5 month old son cries and cries when he goes to his daddy's house. my son lives with me because me and my boyfriend dont live together yet; sometimes when i have c...


5 Month Old Sleeping

L.M. asks from Fayetteville

Hello, my baby is 5 monthes old. She is bottlefeed and still gets nursed a few times a day. She eats every 2-3 hours at a time and is taking anywhere from 5-6 ounces....


5 Week Old Wants to Sleep on Me

K.K. asks from Houston

My son is just 5 wks old and wakes up minutes after I lay him down. He sleeps great and for longer stretches with me in my bed. I know this is a huge 'no no', but the...


Schedule for 5 Month Old

J.K. asks from Chicago

I'm asking this for my SIL. For those of you with 5 month olds can you tell me your baby's schedule including naps, bedtime and morning wake up.


5 Month Old That Won't Sleep over 35-45 Minutes During the Day

D.P. asks from Atlanta

I am a nanny for a 5 month old that won't sleep over 35-45 minutes at a time during the day. As soon as he wakes up he goes into full blown crying. Any suggestions...


5 Month Old Going Backwards on Sleep

L.K. asks from Fort Collins

Moms, I need your help again. : ). My little guy has always been a very good sleeper, but within the past month it has been slowly getting worse. I would really like...


5 Month Old in Swadddle

J.M. asks from Boston

My (just turned) 5 month old sleeps well in her swaddle with one feed per night about 3 am, but the last 3 nights she has been heard making noise from trying to bust ...


Sleep HELP for 5 Mo. Old!

L.M. asks from Dallas

Help! My 5 mo. old boy is not "sleeping through the night"...I feel like he's the only one too! He does great during the day getting 3 naps and goes to sleep at a rea...


"My 14 Month Old Won't Sleep"

B.M. asks from Phoenix

I have a beautiful 14 month old daughter who still wakes up 2-3 times a night. What can I do so my husband and I can get some sleep? She takes 1-2 naps during the d...


Three Month Old Won't Sleep on His Own

C.B. asks from Norfolk

I am having a lot of trouble getting my three month old son to sleep on his own. It seems every time i lay him down he wakes up immediately or within ten minutes. I ...

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