5 month old and sleep

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5 Month Old Rolls on Tummy Then Screams, Can't Get Any Sleep.

S.K. asks from San Diego

My 5 month old just started rolling over onto her tummy when I put her to sleep on her back. She hates being on her tummy and will start crying/screaming. She may f...


5 Month Old Sleep Issues

H.P. asks from Springfield

Ok I need help- my baby is now 5 months old and still does not sleep through the night-on a good night he sleeps 2-3 hours at a time (during the day he may nap 2 time...


3 Month Old to Sleep on His Own

C.L. asks from Dallas

i have a 3 month old ans was wondering if any one knew of a way to get him to fall asleep on his own. we rocked my daughter to sleep and she would only fall asleep li...


5 Month Old Won't Nap

A.L. asks from Tampa

I am having the toughest time to get my 5 month old son to nap. He goes down for the night at 6:30 without any hesitation and he's up at 7 a.m., but naps are a diffe...


My 6 Month Old Won't Sleep!

K.D. asks from Cincinnati

For more than a month my 6 month old son has been waking 3-6 times a night. My husband and I are at our wits end! We have tried putting him down when he's still sli...


*HELP* 5 Month Old to Sleep Through the Night!

J.L. asks from Chicago

My son is almost 5 months old and he is not sucha great sleeper..... he doesnt take very long naps while at daycare so by the time he gets home hes normally out by 8....


HELP! My 5 Yr Old Has Sleep Issues!

P.B. asks from Washington DC

Hi! My 5 year old son will be starting Kindergarten the end of this month. I want to start a bedtime routine with him before school starts because we both will be get...


9 Month Old Who Won't Sleep!!!!

P.T. asks from Amarillo

Help Moms!!!!!! I have a wonderful 9 month old that overall is a great little boy except for his sleeping patterns. My mother in law was watching him during the day...



N.C. asks from St. Joseph

My 13 month old still wakes up during the night. I breast fed her for a little more than 12 months. Now she is still waking up screaming and I want to get her to be a...



M.B. asks from Biloxi

My 13 month old will not go to sleep peacefully. I've been allowing her to cry it out. Sometimes I feel awful for this. She screams at the top of her lungs with te...

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