I have a daughter who will be 3 in March, and we are planning to get her a bike of some sort. I'm leaning towards getting a "big girl bike" with training wheels, but...
The Easter Bunny wants to bring a bike for my three-year old son. Any suggestions as to which kind? Balance bike, tricycle, or just a kids bike with training wheels??
I am thinking about getting my son a bike without pedals, since he still does not have the hang of the pedals on his tricycle, and it is frustrating for him.
I fou...
We're getting my 3 year old daughter a bike or tricycle tomorrow. The main place she'll be using it on will be our gravel driveway or in our backyard (because we live...
We recently got my daughter a two wheel bike with training wheels for her 3rd birthday. She likes the idea, but is a little hesitant to use it too much, and sometime...
My son is now almost 1.5 years old and has outgrown most of his older toys. I got him some newer toys but couldn't hold his interest for long. I see him just wanderin...
Anyone have any suggestions on how to teach a 2.5 year old how to peddle a bike or tricycle? I am not sure if its something that just happens but she so wants to ride...
My sons birthday is coming up, he'll be 3, and I'm really struggling with trying to decide what to get him. My son is extremely active, loses interest fast in toys if...
Hi Moms,
I am thinking about buying a bike for myself. I need help deciding whether to get a baby seat (where my son would sit on the back of the bike) or a bike t...
Hi all,
My husband and I are trying to figure out when is the "right" time for a bicycle. Brady will be three in a few weeks and I was hoping to get him a bicycle f...