My 20 months old Toddler fell off and landed on a toy, one of her front tooth is 65% chipped off. there is no sharp edge but you can see the pulp inside. I don't thin...
I was told by my dentist over a year ago that I need to get either crowns or veneers on my top front four teeth because the enamel is wearing away and chipping. Insur...
zeros on homework. This is a mess and I am so torn. I am the step mom. We think things are going well with the 12 yr old and then zap! 47 on a history test and we ...
My son needs 7 baby teeth extracted and I have read various opinions/experiences on the internet of people and their children having this type of procedure under loca...
Ok I'll try to make this short, my husband of 9 years (together 11) does not have the best teeth. Growing up he never really took care of them neither did his parent...
I have a 2 1/2 yr old boy who has been sucking his thumb basically since birth, he refused a pacifier and has always liked his thumb. He used to mainly suck his thumb...
Last Friday my kids went to the Swiming pool and their my daughter sliped form the slide because she was trying to climb from the wrong direction . I really...
My daughter is 11 and thinks her teeth are just terrible and thinks she needs braces. If you compare her 5th grade picture with my 5th grade picture, our teeth are ...
My son went for his 6 month dental check-up yesterday and while his teeth are still cavity-free, he does have 2 crooked top front teeth AND an underbite. The dentist...
Hi everyone, I wanted to let everyone know about the horrible dentist eperience I had to day. My 9 yr old neice had a silver cap that was falling off her tooth and k...