My twin grandson (5 months old) has Torticolis on the right side. They have exercises and stretches to do for this and his once flattened head is now rounding out we...
I had a miscarriage about 6 months ago. We have been trying to get pregnant ever since and it hasn't happened yet. Is anyone else going through this right now? I am...
I have a 6 year old and almost 1 year old who are very good eaters but find that all they had for dinner with our nanny was pasta, chicken nuggets, fish sticks, and f...
I am looking to sign my DD up for an after school class. We try to sign her up for at least one class twice a year to try new things. The problem is that my daughter ...
I just found from my child's dentist and an orthodontist that she is missing 8 or 9 of her permanent teeth (randomly spread throughout her mouth, some in the front bo...
My 3 1/2 year old grandson is facing dental surgery this week. He will be in the hospital under anesthetic and of course I am anxious. He is quite small for his age (...
Asking because I'm about to pop w/ baby #3. Mother-in-law would like for me to make it to church with the new baby for Christmas Eve Mass...what if she is only 3-4 ...
My 4 month old just started having more frequent bowel movements and it seems like most of them go beyond the diaper ruining her clothes. We use pampers swaddlers. ...
My daughter is 20 months old and has chronic diahrea. She has had diahrea pretty much from birth. She has had a very extensive GI workup and they say they cannot figu...
my 4 1/2 month old daugter cries if she is not being held, i can't clean or even use the bathroom with out her screaming her head off because I put her down, I think ...