My grandson is not quite 3 months old, and we think he's teething already because he's drooling and trying to "swallow" the nipple from this bottle. Since it's been ...
My 5 and a half month old daughter has been fussier than usual. I felt her gums to check if she is teething. I could feel a bump towards the left side of her upper gu...
my 5 and a half month old sons are having periods of fussing. They both are chewing on everything they can get a hold of, and the fussing seems related to this. Cou...
Hi all
I have a soon to be 3 month old and i was wondering how old your babies were when they starting teething. I am not sure if it is possible for him to be teethi...
My one year old daughter is teething to the point where she wants to bite down on EVERYTHING, including tires on cars! I can only imagine how irritable she may feel....
I believe my 5 month old is teething as I have noticed him drooling, putting everything in his mouth, chewing, slight fever and crankiness...recently he has shown a l...
My son is 17 weeks old and the past two days it appears that he's sucky on his bottom lip and making more noise. I think he may be teething already but my husband thi...
My son has started teething and has all the signs and symptoms. I am wondering if anyone has tips for helping to make it more comfortable for him? He is fussier tha...
My 12 month old daughter just got her 3rd molar and seems to be getting another tooth (which will be the 13th one). She didn't seem to have trouble with the first few...