labor and delivery articles

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Results 51-60 from 143 articles

Need Colic Help, Please- Tried Everything!!! Is Their a Link to C-section?

J.R. asks from Dallas

Hi, our newborn baby girl is developing more and more colic symptoms at 3 1/2 weeks. Sleeplessnes, excessive crying, screaming, reflux,... all the symptoms. I was u...


Vbac Vs. C-section

V.W. asks from Phoenix

Heya Mommas- I am faced with a dilemma. My first baby was delivered via c-section after dilating to 4cm. She was trying to come out hand first and despite the doct...



M.B. asks from Las Vegas

My beautiful baby girl was born c-section this last Wednesday. It was 1 week and 1 day early from her due date. While in the hospital on Wednesday, Thursday, and Fri...


Birthing/Child Preparedness Classes, Etc Etc

K.D. asks from Phoenix

Hello all! You all have been wonderful answering my question regarding childbirth, specially in the value of a childbirth class I am currently taking (the so called ...


Anyone Else Have SPD Hip Pain? Seeking Any Suggestions for Relief..

J.R. asks from San Francisco

I have what is called Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction/SPD or also known as Sacroiliac Joint Dysfunction. This can come from several things, but basically the extra hormon...


Low Amniotic Fluid at 36 Weeks

T.S. asks from Evansville

We just had another ultrasound done at 36 weeks and everything was fine (besides him wanting to sleep through the whole thing) but when the doctor talked to us later ...


Bonding with Unborn Baby & People's "Opinions"

S.J. asks from Los Angeles

I'm 31 weeks pregnant. I have a friend who asked me yesterday whether I rub my belly & talk to my baby. I told her that I do rub my belly but I don't talk to my baby...


Looking for a Good OB/GYN in Baltimore

M.L. asks from Washington DC

Hi! I'm planning on trying to get pregnant in the next few months, but I don't want to wait til I am to find a doctor. I currently only see a gyn, no OB (although I w...


How Many Weeks Were You Pregnant When Your Doctor Talked to You About La Maz...

G.M. asks from Phoenix

sorry, I don't know the correct spelling of La Maz....And talk to you about what to look for in Contractions/Braxton Hicks contractions, and if you're getting a C-Sec...


I'm 39 Weeks and 6 Days and My Due Date Is Tommrow

A.A. asks from Eugene

So this is my first pregnecy and tommrow is my due date but I got told that if I don't have her by tommrow I'm going to get induced Friday so I've had two of thoese t...

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