lactose intolerant babies

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Switched to Soy Formula?????

M.D. asks from Nashville

My 7 week olds lab results turned out that she was lactose intolerant, so we switched to a lactose free formula. We are now using ProSobee. She has been on the new fo...


Need Help! 9 Mo Old Boy Won't Sleep and Screams in Pain After He Breast Feeds

A.H. asks from Phoenix

I wondered if anyone has come across this problem. My son came down with the stomach flu last week and now he can't seem to get comfortable at night and now he is st...


Looking to Breastfeed My Second Child but Have a Concern

A.B. asks from Philadelphia

I am really looking to breastfeed my second child, expecting soon, I bottle fed my first. I have been really gung-ho about breastfeeding but then last night I read a...


My Daughter Has Had a Terrible Rash Since We've Switched Her to Milk Drinks...

M.T. asks from Los Angeles

We switched our little girl to whole milk recently and she has had a terrible reaction. Noticing this, and reading similar stories online, I switched her to soy milk....


Qyestion About Soy Formula

M.S. asks from Norfolk

I posted a question before about a milk allergy. My 1 month old son has switched to Similac Isomil advance due to being lactose intolerant I guess. Real quick, what...



J.B. asks from Los Angeles

Hi all!! I have been breastfeeding my daughter now for almost seven months and I have been drinking/eating soy products throughout the time due to the fact that I am ...


All Forms of Cow's Milk (Cheese, Yogurt, Ricotta, Butter) Except Pure Whole Milk

G.S. asks from New York

Has anyone else heard or experienced this issue? I feed by 14 month old yogurt every morning, he eats cheese, ricotta, butter but I started him on lactose free milk ...


Trouble Adjusting to Whole Milk

J.B. asks from San Francisco

I have been giving my son half-formula, half-whole-milk since he turned 1 a month ago, but he is still having trouble adjusting. He strains hard to produce only tiny ...


Please Help Its Ergent!!!

A.L. asks from New Orleans

my 5 week old baby boy was having bad stomach cramps and vomiting, so i brought him to the doctor on friday. well come to find out hes lactose intolerant, so i switch...


Special Formula

M.S. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, as all or some of u may know me, im the nipple discharge My baby is taking nutramigen and i was wondering if any solid food like infant cereal woul...

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