newborn sleep patterns

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Fussy Newborn

R.S. asks from Phoenix

I have an 11 day old son and he gets so incredibly fussy at night time...only around 8pm. After I feed him and put him in the pack n play to sleep, he will wake up s...


Can't Put Newborn Down

C.F. asks from Denver

I just had a little girl a bit over two weeks ago. She is wonderful and mostly easy going. However, she must be held at all times or she cries. The one exception is w...


Newborn Essentials?

T.P. asks from Chicago

Hello Ladies, Because I am on bedrest, I cannot make it out to the stores to scope out all of the wonderful baby products out there. This is my first baby and I nee...


Spoiling a Newborn

B.S. asks from Reno

My son is five months old now and cries or screams if any one other than me and his dad hold him. I can't help but think it's kind of sweet, but my parents keep tell...


Wanted: Sleep

M.H. asks from Chicago

I have a 14 month old that since he was a newborn never took naps till this date and he sleeps around 6 hours at night and many times less then that, I'm barely funct...


Sleep Habits

J.S. asks from Tampa

My 2yr. old has recently started having problems going to sleep. This all started about a week ago. Until then, she was a great sleeper. Now, she doesn't want to b...


Going from Newborn Sleep-schedule to Scheduled Naps

S.R. asks from Dallas

So, how did you start transitioning your baby from so many naps to more structured ones? My baby is 3 months old now, and up until recently, was goin to sleep about a...


My Baby Won't Sleep!

A.L. asks from Grand Forks

My daughter (who will be 11 months at the end of December) is a trouble sleeper!!! Even as a newborn, she has never slept for long periods of time. She takes one na...


Co-sleeping with Baby and Future Sleep Patterns.

R.S. asks from Seattle

I co-sleep with my toddler who's now about 15 months old. We are happy with this and so is he. But of course some relatives are critical and say he should be sleeping...


Baby Sleep

B.M. asks from Chicago

my 2month old will not sleep for more than 2-3hrs a nite. tried making him eat as much as possible. tried adding cereal. tried keeping him up during the day wich he a...

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