own business

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Results 31-40 from 33,410 articles

Business Advice

A.G. asks from Jackson

I was layed off in January and have yet to find another job. I have been in the dental field for about 5 years, but since the economy hasn't bounced back completely a...


Organizing Business

H.D. asks from Chicago

My daughter and I are wanting to start a business to organize homes. Papers, books, drawers...you name it, we will help get it in order. What I want to know is if the...


Advertising for Your Own Business?

M.M. asks from Los Angeles

Okay so I'm toying with the idea of starting my own business. I know not the best timing but let's say I give it a go, what's the best way to advertise as inexpens...


Business Trip

R.F. asks from Dallas

With the exception of last year (I was 8 months pregnant!) for the past couple of years I go to Vegas from Sat-Thurs in May for business. I don't have a terribly exc...


Starting a Business...

A.J. asks from Dallas

Hi ladies...I am turning to yall once again for some help...let me start by giving my "background" I have worked in retaurants since I was 15......EVERY position asid...


Business Ideas

A.H. asks from Dallas

Hi all There have been many requests for people looking for 'work from home' opportunities. I too am tired of all the scams out there!! It's all selling, MLM, tel...


How Do You Start a Business????

K.H. asks from Reno

Due to recent events in my family it has become oh so clear that we need an additional income asap! I am due with baby #3 in exactly 8 weeks and finding a job is imp...


Not My Business?

H.S. asks from Cincinnati

Yikes. I can't take being bashed by other adults. I knew there was a reason I stopped using mamapedia.


Need Business Cards and Magnetic Business Advertisers

S.A. asks from Dallas

Hi Moms!! Other than Kinko's, where can I go to purchase nice inexpensive business cards and magnetic business advertisers? I live in Grand Prairie, but is willin...


Seeking Business Owners to Interview for My Business Class

Q.M. asks from Philadelphia

Hi, I'm looking for anyone who would be willing or free to answer questions for me, for my Intro to Business class that I am taking currently online. We must intervi...

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