Has anyone heard of this or tried it ? My grandson is in first grade & is having trouble with math. His teacher sugested getting the cd of rap music on adding & subtr...
Giving a shout out to an old school rapper Heavy D who had the wisdom to rap and keep it clean all through out his career and I appreciate that from him.
I love mu...
Hi, last minute shopping, my brother got my son a radio/cd system thing for his room (I would call it a boombox, not sure if they still do!)
My son is into rap, an...
Can you share the kinds of music your 3rd to 5th grader listens to? DS has friends that listen to rap, including Eminem, and I would love to hear what other parents ...
What kind of music do you let your children listen to?
I let my kids listen to whatever they want. Whatever they like. I grew up on pop (and rap...some hardcore ra...
My 12-year-old girl is absolutely into music (bands like My Chemical Romance, Linkin Park, Shiny Red Guns, etc). Sometimes it seems like she can't live without the mu...
I thought this would be a good companion to my other question about disliking kids music. What kinds of music do you think is appropriate for your child and do you e...
I am looking for music for my 6 year old to ice skate to, she chose Coming Home, but we can't have the rap. I am going nuts listening to Camp Rock, Fresh Beat Band, ...
Ok, everyone has different taste in music. So for FUN...
What genre of music or Specific artist/band can you just NOT stand.
The kind of music that just bugs the he...
My sister-in-law is an avid workout enthusiast. (I am an avid avoider of working out!). She is in her late 50s, loves to take energetic walks, and she works at a ve...