I wanted to just comment on a few things mentioned before by some.......sorry if I am starting yet a new question by doing this, but not sure how else to respond. As...
Please no responses telling me how awful a person I am for saying what I'm about to say. I'm looking for constructive feedback. Also, I'm the father, not the mother...
Ok I know I am not alone but what should I do in my situation. I have a 10 year old child who is active and seems to always be on the move. Homwork time is a fight ev...
I wasn't sure what to put this under. This has to deal with divorce, but it is also behavioral problems. My child comes home from his dad and is mean. I don't know...
I'm a very greatful, very happy older mom of one child, a daugher who is 7. My hours are flexible so I'm often home with her. I try to organize playdates (and I'm t...
I was wondering, how old was your child/children when they took their first trip without Mom and Dad. My mother-in-law wants to take my 4 year old 2 states aw...
I have a ten year old grandson diagnosed 6 years ago with ADHD. He is on medication, and it helps, but his behavior is terrible. I don't know how much is the ADHD, ...
I think my child is constipated. We have recently started him on three meals a day (solids that is) and he is otherwise breastfed. He has been on solids since about...
How old are your kids, and how independent are they? I feel like my kids are above normal here (not bragging, just saying).
My 5 and 7 year olds bathe, do chores, ...
What do you say to a child who comes home from school & say's "so & so called me stupid today at school?" Do you teach them to ignore, or defend them self? (specifica...