staph infection

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Results 61-70 from 698 articles

Help, My Son Won't Take His Medicine!

V.T. asks from Dallas

Ben, 2 1/2, is on antibiotics for a possible staph infection on his cheek (again). I'm having the hardest time getting him to take his medicine. He wont take it will...


9M Old with Reoccuring Blisters.

A.O. asks from Dallas

My daughter has been getting weird blisters on her body and we have no clue what they are from. This has happened 4 times in the last 2m. The first time her ped put h...


Red Zit on 13 Month Old Face Won't Go Away

L. asks from Cincinnati

My daughter woke up one day with this red zit on her cheek. We were staying at a hotel for a family reunion. I thought it would go away as she heals quickly. Well a f...


Coughing Three Year Old - Constant Wet Cough

S.D. asks from Richmond

Has anyone else child been coughing a lot here lately. My son and I for the last 3 weeks, has had nonstop coughing. I'm better with the help of prednisone, antibiot...


Dr. Wants Me to Pump ,Y Milk While on Antibiotics but I Don't Get the Concept.

S.2. asks from Bakersfield

I got diagnosed with MRSA a type of staph infection. I'm in tremendous pain because of this boil i have. And I really wanna start this Bactrim medication. The docto...


This Is Gonna Be TMI, Sorry

S.T. asks from Kansas City

so i was recently on bactrim for a staph infection, which caused a really bad allergic reaction, they thought i had MRSA. ended up in the hospital on IV vancomycin. o...


Having a Toenail Removed

K.S. asks from Denver

Hi all- my DD is 13 and has been dealing with a weird toe thing for months now. We went in toward the beginning of the year because her toe was crazy swollen and real...


Can Anybody Hear Me??

S.T. asks from Kansas City

okay, so it has been a rough 2 months with me in relation to getting sick and being on antibiotics. It started with a severe sinus infection almost 2 months ago, took...


Seeking Help in a Medical Problem My Daughter Is Having.

S.L. asks from Detroit

Hi all. About three weeks ago a scratch on my daughter's forehead turned into a bigger sore and it started looking crusty and when I went to comb her hair and get it...


Recurrent MRSA Infections

H.D. asks from Dallas

My MIL, husband and I have been plagued with MRSA staph infections for the last year. My MIL and I have had 2 and my husband has had 8! They are so painful and I know...

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Answer Highlights

  • la leche league in 2 answers "You can also call your local La Leche League and they most likely ..."
  • meant to pump your milk in 2 answers "I'm pretty sure she meant to pump your milk and then dump it."
  • keep your milk supply in 3 answers "I would pump just to keep your milk supply up."
  • your milk and then dump in 2 answers "... everyone else has said, what you need to do is express your milk and then dump ..."
  • reschedule the eye surgery in 2 answers "I would reschedule the eye surgery to make sure she's 100% healthy for the surgery."