I am wondering if there is anyone out there like me? I have been divorced for over 7 years and for 6 1/2 of them my daughters choose to live with their dad. Well once...
Would like to here both good and bad. For the positive ones did you consider the prices reasonable and worth it in the end?
I am looking to do a living will/advance ...
My very good friend is starting to separate from her husband. He thinks he will walk away with everything as he intends to hurt her. Question: she makes much more mon...
My sister gave up everything for her husband of over 20 years. She dropped out of college and once kids were born, never worked, because he wanted her to be a stay at...
I have just parted ways with me husband of 5 yrs. It was never really a good marriage kinda doomed from the start. Now his family has offered him their bottemless pig...
I need to file for divorce but my funds are very limitted. His are even more limitted so I can not have him pay, even though it is a "fault divorce". If anyone knows ...
After 35 years, I still have no idea what I want to be when I grow up. Right now, I am happy being a SAHM, but I am looking at my options once the kids are in school...
Does anyone know of a good, affordable lawyer in the Spring/Woodlands area that writes wills? I keep putting it off but I'd really like to get it done. Thanks.
My ex pretends to have only a small paycheck as a self employed father. We have 3 ckid together 14, 12 and 8. We have been divorced for 7 years. He has never fully pa...