weight loss through sleep

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Losing Weight

C.M. asks from Chicago

OK! I need some major help! After having my 2nd child (now 2) I cannot seem to lose all the weight! Plus I am over 30 now so I'm sure my metabolizm has slowed. I am r...


Losing Weight....

C.S. asks from Philadelphia

I have found that trying to lose weight is harder than the 42 hours of labor I was in with my daughter. I was relatively skinny before I got pregnant. But I gained ...


How to Reduce Weight

G.R. asks from Chicago

Hi Moms, I'm trying to reduce my weight but couldn't. I cant find time to go to gym with my 20 months old daughter. I'm bulky in my arms and thighs. Which food helps...


Baby Weight

J. asks from Tampa

Hello. I was wondering how long it took for anyone to lose their baby weight? I am trying to get a realistic idea of what is normal. I gained 48 pounds with baby and ...


Losing Weight

C.S. asks from Salt Lake City

I was just wondering if anyone knows of a really good way to lose weight, and keep it off? I really have a hard time excersising as I watch 3 kids during the day, and...


Why Can't I Lose Weight???!!!???

M.P. asks from St. Louis

I have had issues with my weight for years. I have 3 kids and after the third, just can't seem to lose weight. I try everything! I have done Weight Watchers, HCG, ...


How to Loss Baby Weight and Get Rid on Breakouts!

A.U. asks from Bellingham

Well I had m so Eddie Jr almost 2 years ago and I am still aboout25 lb over my normal weight, its really getting to me know and i keep trying stuff and i doesnt work ...


Losing Weight???

C.P. asks from New York

I have a 4, 2 and 8 weeks old. I gained 35lbs during this 3rd pregnancy. I have been trying to get back to my pre-pg weight--130. (Only 8 lbs to go) I am breastf...


No Weight Gain

C.M. asks from Portland

It has been a while since I have been on mamasource but I need as much advice as I can get now!! My son, almost 17 months, is not gaining weight. At his 12 month ch...


Gaining Weight

E.G. asks from Daytona Beach

Help, Im gaining weight and can't seem to figure out why. I nurse my 6 month old and chase my 2year old around, I don't eat anymore than I have been, so what can I d...

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