both of my kids were the same way, except my daughter never met her father so it was always just me she wanted. she would even scream if i tried to hold her older brother and give him some cuddle time (altho i think it might also have been becuz im nursing, and she can 'smell' me). i was also told, with my son, that i held him too much, i spoiled him, etc.! i nursed him and held him but most of the time i did like what you did, stick him in a swing or something and let him watch a movie or me clean. it may not be much help, but i believe she'll grow out of it. both of my kids have... finally! my son is now 27mo and is finally likeing being around other people. could it be possible she was hurt or held 'wrong' while someone else held her before? could she be teething or growing through a growth spurt? maybe a type of stranger anxiety?