When I married my hubby he lived in a different town than I had been living in. He is a guy and not in to having chats. I was so lonely and depressed. He was gone a lot with work, even went to India once.
Anyway, I started calling my friends in my own town I had been living in and found that I just missed talking non stop with my friends. I ran the phone bill up each month into the hundreds. When we went to marriage counseling this behavior of mine came up. Hubby was concerned about the bill being out of control, I was concerned about the bill too but could not fathom not having anyone to talk to.
The doc looked at us and said to hubby "Do you really want to sit for about an hour each day listening to her talk about the cute shoes she saw when she was walking down the street to go buy groceries? Do you really want to listen to how funny someone's clothes were at Walmart? If you don't want to be her girlfriend you need to let her have her girlfriends". To this day hubby never says anything about the phone bill. Of course it's better now since we have U S Cellular phones and can talk to anyone and it not be an extra charge.
Girls like to talk about inane things and men are to the point, want to talk about themselves, they don't have the social skills women have, so I would tell you this.
You need to pick up the phone at least once per day and call a girlfriend. Tell them everything that's been going on, how funny the baby is, how cute they walk, how their hair is getting to long...first haircut... finally getting hair...what ever, talk about shoes, what happened on White Collar, Warehouse 13, or Alphas. Talk about every little mundane thing you can think of.
Then call a different friend the next day. Or family member. The point is that you need to talk about your life, that's how females are usually wired. That's how we work out our problems, we're usually more verbally oriented when it comes to this type stuff.
Hubby is a guy, it's all about him and what happened to his day. He loves you for sure but he is just being a guy. They can only do one or two things at the same time and sometimes not even that. Like watching football and eating food, sometimes the food goes all over the floor because he forgot it was in his lap.
Talking face to face is totally different for a guy too. They can totally focus on the other person and not get distracted. Talking on the phone is hard for them. Their brains are more visual.