J., You NEED to LISTEN to these Ladies! (Thank you, Momma's!!) Your husband is putting himself, you, and most of all your son IN DANGER....not to mention God knows who else, and how many others, with his addiction to your pain meds. If you are a Christian, I would suggest calling your Pastor (or someone else on the staff whom you trust implicitly) NOW. (Do Not worry about what time it is...)
Both of you need counseling for the sake of your marriage, and your little boy. You to help you "process" everything, and your husband to help him STOP stealing your drugs!
I won't make this long, because you need to be on the phone, but if you need the phone # for a counselor...I have several that I am personally associated with (friends, church members, etc.).
HIDE your meds TONIGHT, and MAKE THAT CALL!! (I know it's hard, because you have to have the meds accessible to yourself ~ we have a 2-year-old that we have trouble keeping out of stuff.)
My phone # is on my profile if you need me.
Prayers and Blessings for you!! :)