It's gonna be OK mom! I understand your "regret" about new pregnancy, but you have to take a deep breath and accept it once you've mourned a bit. You're right, people HAVE done this since the beginning of time. New children ADD to your life, not subtract from it. You will not meet ANYONE (sane and loving) who regrets their second child if you start asking around. I've got three. No family near by. A husband who is never home. I am very blessed in that I do not work, and I thank my stars for that every day, but it has it's own struggles, especially financially. If I did have to work (which I will have to soon) I would simply put ALL the kids in daycare sometimes instead of one. And the phase will pass. The next 3 years will speed by. By the time your baby is born, you'll only have slightly more than 2 years left! You will get stronger, and baby number two is going to bring you and your daughter lots of joy in the coming years. You will look back at his time as only a memory. Your struggles will be rewarded, and the fact that you love your children so much and take your parenting seriously. Try to live in the moment, focus on your work at work, and your child at home. You chose the job, you are good at it. You did not prevent the pregnancy, and you're a great and passionate mom. Accept these things, embrace them, tackle them. It's going to be OK, mom! You can do it! And don't pre-worry about the spark going out. One thing at a time. If you lose the spark for a time, you can get it back. You may not lose it. If you do it's OK. Take that off your plate for now. Take one day at a time! You'll accomplish just as much as if you pile the whole world on your plate in your mind!