We've not had problems with our children biting - they tend to be the ones getting bitten for some reason.
But, we've had issues with hitting, etc. and our position at that age is to sternly say, "NO!" and to tell them not to bite, hit, etc.
I don't believe in talking to them like babies. For example, I wouldn't say, "NO bite". I'd say, "NO!" then I'd ask, "Do we bite?" and reconfirm with another No. Children at that age learn by consistency and repetition. So, the more you enforce it (not just when he's doing the biting), the more you'll be able to correct the behavior before it really gets out of hand.
As a parent of 2 kids that have been on the receiving end, we know it's part of childhood. But, the actions of the parent are really important - seeing a parent try to correct the behavior makes me much more reassured about my child playing with them than someone who laughs it off and acts like it's nothing.