Hi M.,
I'm M. from Owasso, OK. I'm now 17 weeks pregnant with a post-reversal baby. Have faith that it CAN happen! I actually went the cheaper route and had my reversal done in Mexico. It was a good experience and was only $2700. Since I live in Oklahoma, I drove down. You just need to make sure that you pick a reputable clinic and a doctor with lots of experience and recommendations.
I arrived in the evening and was in surgery by the next morning. The doctors spoke English and were reassuring. I had minimal pain, and about a 4" incision along a previous low c-section scar. I felt well enough to make the drive back to Oklahoma after about 24 hours. (Husband drove back, not me!) I guess I was at 100% after about two weeks. They give you pain pills and antibiotics and instruct you to not try to get pregnant for a couple of months to let yourself heal. I was left with about 3 cm of tube on each side and told my chances were about 50%. Well, I'm expecting a little girl!
The clinic I used was in Rio Bravo, just south of the Texas border. Their website is www.riobravoreversal.com and I would be happy to answer any other questions you have about my reversal experience.
Good luck!