1 cm dilated 50 effaced

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Results 21-30 from 69 articles

Preterm Labor

J.N. asks from Washington DC

With my 2nd child I wnet into labor at 37 weeks and my son weighed 7lbs8oz. My third child I went into labor at 36 weeks and she weighed 7lbs1oz. The doctors decided ...


Early Labor???

J.S. asks from St. Louis

Hi mamas! I'm 37 weeks PG with DS #2. My first went pretty quickly. Found out I was 1 cm dilated, 50% effaced on a Monday. No pain all week, by Friday I was having b...


FFN Question

S.S. asks from Champaign

First off, I am 28 weeks pregnant. I have been told I am going through pre term labor issues. I had start out with contractions at 25 weeks so I was put on Terbutalin...


Advice on Preterm Labor

H.G. asks from Kansas City

I am not quite 34 weeks pregnant and was put on strict bedrest this afternoon after the Dr. discovered that I have dilated to a 3 and am 50% effaced. As long as I'm ...


Induction Scheduled for Friday, What to Expect?

M.M. asks from Chicago

Hi ladies, I'm currently 39 weeks with my second child. I'm dilated to 3, and as of last Friday, was 80% effaced. I went ahead and scheduled an induction for this co...


Ok Ladies, Lost Mucus Plug :-)

K.V. asks from Phoenix

So yesterday I posted about how on my Dr appt on Thurs I was 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced (sp). Well this morning I lost my mucus plug hehe (sorry for TMI). So want ...



H.S. asks from Johnson City

I am being induced at 39 weeks, 1 day (this upcoming Thursday, June 23rd) for medical reasons. This is my second child, and at my 38 week checkup last week, I was 80...


Should I Wait for the Induction?

S.B. asks from Chicago

Hello all, I am now 40 weeks pregnant, and still this baby is not coming! I've been 1cm dilated and 50% effaced for the past 4 weeks! My Ob is giving me the opti...


Never Coming Out!

A.C. asks from Houston

I am due this Thursday, making me 39 weeks and 5 days pregnant. I'm only 1.5 cm dilated, lost my mucus plug 2 weeks ago, get BH contractions from hell, dropped about ...


Weird Question About Late Pregnancy

S.S. asks from Cincinnati

I know this is a weird question but I am 35 weeks pregnant and I have been having abdominal cramping, on and off contractions, and just recently started having more f...

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Answer Highlights

  • amniotic fluid levels were low in 2 answers "It turned out that my amniotic fluid levels were low and I was induced the next morning."
  • raspberry leaf tea in 3 answers "We tried everything--sex, walking, eating spicy food, raspberry leaf tea."
  • black and blue cohosh in 2 answers "There are herbs like Black and Blue Cohosh, but again, you will want to consult with ..."
  • magnesium sulfate in 3 answers "I was kept in the hospital a few days, given magnesium sulfate via iv and steriods ..."
  • dilated and 80 percent in 2 answers "I was also 3cm dilated and 80% effaced."