I am a repeated miscarrier. Just had my 3rd to be exact. After the second one I went through a series of blood test and found out that I had a folic defiency and a cl...
I went to my doctor yesterday and I was supposed to be 10 ½ weeks, but there was no heartbeat. The baby died at 6 ½ weeks. My D&C is scheduled for Thursday. I just ...
I just had a miscarriage 4 days ago and at 14.5 weeks. The day before, I went for an anatomy ultrasound and was told that my baby is perfectly healthy and that all of...
I was wondering if any one has had trouble conceiving that has been told she has a tilted uterus,I think it's just hereditary ,My mother and sisters have both been to...
I am 8 weeks pregnant and went to see my doctor for an appt. Well, they did a vaginal ultrasound and they said that they saw a small flicker. Anyway, they asked me ...
i just recently miscarried and my doctor said next time i find out i am pregnant i am to call her right away and she will provide me with progesterone supplements to ...
I found out yesterday at 8 weeks pregnant that I lost our baby. I'm dealing with it emotionally but now what I have to decide is whether to have a D&C or just let my...
I am hoping some of you mamas can help me out and give some much needed advice. I am feeling very traumatized because of frequent miscarriages mostly first tri...
I just found out that I am pregnant. I think about 5 or 6 weeks. This past summer I had a miscarriage around 6-8weeks. I am literally panicked at times that it is ...