how to get crayon out of clothes

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Results 31-40 from 496 articles

Whats the Secret to Crayon Removal???

C.T. asks from Raleigh

Ok- I know some one knows- so I ask- how do you get crayon out of...well everything. My 2 year old stashes crayons and then colors on everything from walls to plastic...


HELP! I Washed a Crayon

E.G. asks from Monroe

My son left a crayon in the pocket of his brand new shorts, and somehow I missed it when I was sorting laundry. Needless to say, now I have crayon all over a load of ...


Some One Gave Him a crayon.........sigh

K.D. asks from Dallas

ok Moms, HELP!! Someone stuck a purple crayon in my sons pocket. I know someone put it there because he still hasn't figured out what a pocket is!!! I just learned t...


A Crayon Melted in the Dryer

K.H. asks from New York

I didn't realize my daughter had put an orange crayon in her pocket. Well, I did the laundry and put it through the dryer. It melted all over everything!!!!!! My k...


Melted Crayon on Seat in My Car

M.P. asks from San Francisco

Hi Mamas, A crayon dropped from my daughter's backpack on Friday right onto the passenger side seat of my car - I have cloth seating. Over the weekend it melted and ...


Crayon Melted in Dryer

A.L. asks from Lawrence

Does anyone have any tips for getting crayon wax out of the dryer? We tried kitchen degreaser and goo gone, but nothing seems to be working!


Removing Crayon and Marker from Walls

J.D. asks from Cincinnati

My son decided to color the living room wall with crayon and the toy room walls with marker. Does anyone know how to get Crayon and Marker off the walls? I tried ...


Help! a Crayon Went Through the Dryer!

B.D. asks from Kansas City

I took out my laundry this morning and found the entire load covered in orange crayon. (This is why I should have checked the pockets of my two year old!!!) Has any...


Black Crayon in the Dryer!

L.M. asks from Los Angeles

Hi Moms, A stray black crayon went through the dryer and marked all over the inside walls (not to mention the clothes!) Does anyone have any ideas on how to get it...


How to Clean Crayon on Carpeting

S.D. asks from Phoenix

My wonderful son took a large green crayon and drew a line, on the floor, all the way down the hallway. Any ideas or suggestions for cleaning it? I tried Resolve in...

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Answer Highlights

  • mr clean magic eraser in 4 answers "Mr Clean Magic Eraser works great on walls and plastic toys"
  • magic eraser works in 3 answers "Good Morning, The magic eraser works wonders on removing everything."
  • krud kutter in 2 answers "I seem to have good success with Krud Kutter and Goof off."
  • paper towel over in 2 answers "lay a piece of newspaper or paper towel over the wax and iron the area with a clothes ..."
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