My two year old daughter has pebble like bowel movements. Aside from being hard to clean, I am sure it can't be comfortable for her. She struggled as an infant and re...
What do you do with the doggy doo-doo AFTER you scoop it? Do you have a disposal system? Do you put it out for trash? What do you do with it after you pooper scoop it?
Okay so I know this is gross but I need to know if anyone else has any experience with this. About 2.5 weeks ago my son (he's 2) started having very loose poopy diap...
I'm looking for recommendations of a good litter box for 2 cats. We've had cats for many years and I love our cats, but am tired of cleaning a litter box so often. We...
Will cats poop in pea gravel just as much as they do in sand? Rubber playground "mulch?" Plain old dirt? I really don't know much about cats other than they poop in m...
We adopted two kittens from the local shelter. They are 6 months old and nuetered. We love them and they are good boys. I promised my hubs that the house wouldn't ha...
Here's the deal, we have one cat and I swear she makes my whole house stink and the smell wont go away. LOL. We have the litter box with the top and I change it every...
Just wondering if anyone could provide insight as to the danger of scooping the litterbox. I'm inclined to err on the side of caution but, on the other hand, my husba...
I am currently pregnant with my 4th child, so I informed my husband that he needs to scoop the litterboxes (we have an adult cat and a kitten). He decided it would b...
My brother in law has been feeding 2 stray cats in our yard. We have an area of 12X 25 sand where the playhouse and swing set are. The cats have been pooping in it ...