unusual children names

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Stumped for Baby Names

A.G. asks from Houston

i am 4 months pregnant, i don't know the sex yet (shy baby during the ultrasound) we have agreed on the girl name (Lillian) but we don't know about boy names yet, cut...


Feedback on Baby Names

E.B. asks from Los Angeles

I want input... We have a few options for baby names, but have had a hard time agreeing on one for each (boy & girl). Please browse and give me a little feedback on w...


Baby Boy Names

B.B. asks from San Diego

We have a lovely 17 month old daughter, Siena and are looking for great names for our son on the way this November. I would love to use my father's first name, Wells,...


Unique Baby Girl Names...

K.L. asks from Des Moines

Ok...I"m only 11 weeks along(we just heard the heartbeat this morning!!!), but I LOVE talking about baby stuff! I'm driving my poor hubby crazy! We have a daughter an...


Seeking Advice on Baby Names!

A.E. asks from Greensboro

I'm 10 weeks pregnant with my 5th child. I have a 2 1/2 year old boy, a 1 year old girl, and 3 month old twin boys! I'm once again pregnant (for the last time) and I ...


Help!! I Am Looking for Names...

R.S. asks from Sheboygan

I am looking for baby names. We are having our 3rd child in May (I know I have TONS of time) but can not find a name that my husband and I can agree on. I am just loo...


Having a Lot of Trouble with Boy Names

M.F. asks from Denver

Hi, Is there anything that anyone did to help figure out names? My husband and I have had a girl name we love since before I got pregnant, but no boy name seems rig...


Baby Girl Names

K.F. asks from Los Angeles

I just found out yesterday I am having a baby girl! I already have a son and coming up with his name was really easy for us. Coming up with a girl name, is not as eas...

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