Hey everyone! I have been pumping and storing breastmilk in those gerber storage bags, but find that the milk spoils quickly. I have tried a couple different contai...
My son is two months old and I have been exculsively breastfeeding. There have been a few occassions where I have pumped and given him a bottle. However, in these ins...
Hi Ladies! I can't remember how long I can keep breastmilk in the fridge before putting it in the freezer. Is it 3 days or 5 days?? Thanks! Also what are your thought...
HELP! I have been freezing loads of my breast milk. I LOVED the Lansinoh freezer bags, but lately, every time I thaw out a bag- it LEAKS all over!!!!! Do I need to...
I am breastfeeding my 10 week old baby girl and in the last few weeks my milk seems to be coming out too fast and overwhelming her. She chokes on it many times and l...
Any suggestions on what products to use to store breast milk. I have read that glass or plastic containers work best for freezing, but using storage bags is also an o...
Hi I need some suggestions/HELP! I have a 3 month little boy that is teething. Drooling enough to soak both of our shirts. Biting his hands, runny poop, restless, low...
My boys LOVE popsicles. I usually buy them sugar-free, but don't like aspartame for them or anything. My step-mom just got the boys their own popsicle-freezer thing...
My husband and I are moving from California to Iowa. Our baby girl will be 4 months old when we make this trek. She frequently has screaming fits in her car seat th...
We THINK my 3 month old son may be starting the teething process. He is constantly putting his fist in his mouth and drooling like crazy. But he also has a little d...