Just wanted some opinions about the new refrigerators that are french doors and have pull out freezer below? Do you like those?
Anyone have recommendations for best...
Hi I need some suggestions/HELP! I have a 3 month little boy that is teething. Drooling enough to soak both of our shirts. Biting his hands, runny poop, restless, low...
HELP! I have been freezing loads of my breast milk. I LOVED the Lansinoh freezer bags, but lately, every time I thaw out a bag- it LEAKS all over!!!!! Do I need to...
Any suggestions on what products to use to store breast milk. I have read that glass or plastic containers work best for freezing, but using storage bags is also an o...
My husband and I are moving from California to Iowa. Our baby girl will be 4 months old when we make this trek. She frequently has screaming fits in her car seat th...
We THINK my 3 month old son may be starting the teething process. He is constantly putting his fist in his mouth and drooling like crazy. But he also has a little d...
My boys LOVE popsicles. I usually buy them sugar-free, but don't like aspartame for them or anything. My step-mom just got the boys their own popsicle-freezer thing...
I'M SORRY FOR REPOSTING I forgot I could update on my previous post. We usually spend 200-250 every 2 weeks and thats not including household shopping which we do onc...
I have been debating pumping for the past 5 months of 7. I am leery of the plastic and it's 'phthalates' and other garbage that is newly discovered in it. Now, I have...
With my first child I didn't breast feed. I was told all these horror stories about how it hurts. You get raw, One breast can become bigger than the other and never r...