I see that you've answered others questions. Do you read through the rest of the responses? If you do, you'll see that the nastigrams aren't just happening to you. You'll also typically find a pattern as to who leaves those nastigrams ...
In many cases, other moms aren't trying to be mean. They think they're being honest and blunt - and if you can't appreciate that then it's not their problem. In fact, there was a question on here from somone asking that exact thing.
This is as safe as a place as you'll find. But you'll also find honest opinions. If a mom thinks you're doing something wrong or being overly protective, it's likely that mom will let you know without mincing words or tip-toeing around it.
I have found this to be the absolute best place for getting opinions of all kinds to START or complement my additional research. Sometimes I just need validation. Sometimes I need a wake-up call. You'll get all those things for the same question.
We all choose to do things differently. We all feel strongly about certain choices. We don't all know how to diplomatically express those opinions. And, sometimes, even when we do, we get impassioned to the point that we don't realize we're making others defensive rather than helping.