I have heard that it might be easier for younger kids to learn to ride a bike with a balance bike, which is just like a 2 wheeler except is has no pedals. It made se...
How do you balance a full time job 40hrs+ and still be able to give your kids the quality time they need. Is evenings from 5-9pm and family outings on the weekends e...
I wrote previously about trying to stretch out the time between nighttime feeds for my then 4.5 month old. I need some more support and feedback. Note - I have not ...
As most everyone on here knows I have a 6 week old son, but you may not know that I was dignosed with Postpartum a few weeks ago. And I think its getting worse. Mas...
Our son has a learning disability. I had advocated a specialized LD high school for at least a year to help him build strategies for learning. DH and our son's psyc...
Over the past 10 years I have gained and lost hundreds of pounds. I have bounced from 230 to 140 and back up to 250. I seem to have two modes, either I way over eat...
I am a special education teacher and feel my job is important like money for the family and its satisfying to know that I’m helping children with disabilities. The ...
Any other working moms out there that are having difficulties doing it all? I am a teacher with summers off (so I have it better than most!), but during the school ye...
I have a 22 month old son! SAHM! I teach the 2/3 sunday school class twice a month, I have for 3 years. he has just moved into my class. the last three times I have t...
my baby is 12 weeks old. my fiance works 2 jobs and tries to spend as much time with us as he can. i take care of our little girl almost all day as well as taking car...