My 5-y.o. recently (finally) figured out how to ride his bike without training wheels. After so long not being interested in learning, he's now all about riding his ...
Our dtr is almost 4.5 and she has a skuut and a bike with training wheels. My husband would like to the training wheels off but I'm not sure. How do you teach a child...
I relatively new mom, 21 years of age, and I have a 6 year old daughter. My daughter learned how to ride a bike last year and she stopped wearing a helmet this year. ...
Where we live, the only area to ride a bike is our turn around drive way. That said, my 8 year old can't ride his bike without training wheels. He relys on the too m...
We are buying our daughter a bike for her 3rd birthday. I just started looking at bike helmets and realized that this is a big decision (it protects her brai...
My 5 year old grandson can not push the bike pedal, when he went for ocupational therapy they had an attachmedt on the pedal that the front of his foot would slide in...
My 11 year old son, who is a ridiculously stubborn child, doesn't wear his glasses. Ever. And he needs them...his vision is poor in both eyes. He apparently manages t...
I am thinking about getting my son a bike without pedals, since he still does not have the hang of the pedals on his tricycle, and it is frustrating for him.
I fou...
My son is 5 months old now, and I really need to start working out and losing that pregnancy weight that I have gained. I hate to run, but love biking. I was wonder...
I am having a hard time finding shorts that are not to bulky for my kindergartener to wear under her dresses/skirts to school this year. Any ideas where I might find...