I want to purchase a two-wheeler (with training wheels) for my 4 year old daughter, but since she will quickly outgrow it (RIGHT??), it just makes sense to get one we...
My son is 8, and has been riding without training wheels for a little while now, I almost always make him wear a helmet, but sometimes he won't if I am not with him, ...
Hello to all Mom's
I wanted to get some advice from all of you regarding my son. He is 12 and he now doesn't want to wear his helmet while riding his bike. I have ...
Hello moms,
I have been a faithful reader everyday on the digest learning from the moms on this great website. (Thank you very much.) So I naturally thought of yo...
How do I get my 13 year old daughter to wear her wrist guards while rollerblading? I require my daughter to wear wrist guards while rollerblading since I broke my wri...
My husband, my neighbor, my daughter, and I have tried to teach my son how to ride his bike without training wheels. All of us have been working for two spring/summe...
My 7yr old daughter won't wear her jacket even though it's winter and when I do get it on, she fidgets and wriggles about when I go to zip it up then put the hood up.
Okay Ladies, How do you get your 12 y/o daugher to wear a bra? My daughter is developing rapidly and needs to wear a bra but flat refuses. In fact, she claims that ...
My daughter just turned four this summer. She is always complaining about having a wedgie. She pulls her pants down to her hips in her carseat. She will not wear unde...
My 5 year old is in a phase now where all she wants to wear is leggings. No jeans or dresses or skirts or sweats....LEGGINGS!!! It stinks because she got alot of ni...