I have a child seat on the back of my bike. I would love to take my 18 month old daughter for a ride, but I want her to have a helmet. All the ones I have found in th...
Does anyone out there use the weeride bike seat that lets your baby sit in front of you instead of behind you? What do you think? I was thinking of getting one for my...
Has anyone had any experince with the bike trailers for kids. They usually seat two kids or up to 100 lbs. I am looking into buying one for this summer. It is my a...
Our son is nearing two and my husband and I are itching to get back on our bikes this summer, which means we are looking into getting a bike trailer. Given the expen...
My son just turned 4 in November and my dad has offered to buy him some type of bike. Is there a good tricycle for his age or should we just get a bike with training...
My child is 2 months old & I am anxious to get outside once it stops snowing! What is the best investment- a jogging stroller or a bike trailer with accessories (ie....
Hi, someone posted about shapewear the other day and got me thinking about this.
How often do you wear it, and if you wear it often, what kind do you wear?
I ha...
So, I want to start biking, and I am considering doing a 25 mile Pedal For a Cause.
I have been scoping this bike for awhile, the reviews and price are great, but ...